ALL-INKL.COM Website Builder

Google Site Verification

If you want to use Google Search Console for your website, you have to confirm your ownership of your website (property) to Google. Google offers different confirmation methods for this. The web builder supports the method "HTML Meta Tag" and "HTML File".

"HTML Meta Tag"
When you enter your website in Google Search Console, select "HTML Tag" method as confirmation of ownership and copy the source code "<meta name="google-site-verification" content="..." />". In the web builder you can paste the source code under Settings (gear icon -> Settings -> HTML Head).

"HTML file"
When you enter your website in Google Search Console, select the "HTML file" method as confirmation of ownership and save the file on your computer. Now all you need to do is upload the HTML file provided by Google for you in the file manager of your web builder. It doesn't matter in which folder you upload the file. The file will be recognized automatically. You can check the function by calling the file in your browser (ex: In this example, your browser should now display the following text:
"google-site-verification: google1234567890abcef.html"
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